
This object represents the channel characteristics of the PHY. The semantics are as follows. legacyMode - The radio channel characteristics are the same as that of 802.11a/802.11g radios. htMode - The radio operates in either 40MHz bandwidth with one to four spatial streams. dupLegacyMode - The radio operates in a 40MHz channel composed of 2 adjacent 20MHz channels. The packets sent are in the legacy 802.11a format in each of the 20MHz channels. fortyMHzUpperMode - The radio tranmits a legacy or HT packet in the upper 20MHz channel of a 40MHz channel. fortyMHzLowerMode - The radio transmits a legacy or HT packet in the lower 20MHz channel of a 40MHz channel.


Access Type
readonly legacyMode(1), htMode(2), dupLegacyMode(3), fortyMHzUpperMode(4), fortyMHzLowerMode(5)

Parent cD11HtPhyEntry