
This object specifies one of the pre-defined authentication algorithms and additional authentication procedures for the Mobile Node. When the cwdsiMnState is 'registered', the valid combination of the authentications are: - open(0), - shared(1), - leap(2), - eap(3), - mac(4), - open(0) and eap(3), - open(0) and mac(4), - open(0), eap(3) and mac(4), - open(0) and macOrEap(5), - shared(1) and eap(3), - shared(1) and mac(4), - shared(1), eap(3) and mac(4), - mac(4) and leap(2). Otherwise, the valid combination of the authentications are: - eap(3), - mac(4), - eap(3) and mac(4), - macOrEap(5), - leap(2), - mac(4) and leap(2), - macOrLeap(6), - eapOptional(7). If none of the bits are set, there is no run-time authentication.


Access Type

Parent cwdsiMnEntry