
This object specifies the retransmit timer value for DCCA client. The retransmit timeout is to be used for CCR messages. The DCCA specification defines a retransmit timer (Tx) that is used by the client to supervise the communication with the server, because for pre-paid services, the end user expects the response from the network in a reasonable time, thus the DCCA client shall react faster than the underlying base protocol. When the retransmit timer elapses, the DCCA client will take an action on the PDP context depending on the current value of CCFH for that session. The retransmit timer is started with each CCR (initial) and CCR (update). Since multiple CCR (update) messages are possible, if one CCR (update) message is pending, a subsequent CCR (update) message restart the timer. When answer to all pending CCR (update) messages are received, the retransmit timer is stopped.


Access Type

Parent cGgsnSADccaProfileEntry