
Indicates the reason that the last connection or call attempt disconnected. The meaning of each reason code is explained below: unknown: the failure reason is unknown or there has been no previous call. lostCarrier: the call was disconnected because the loss of carrier. noCarrier: the dial out attempt has failed because the modem detects no carrier. noDialTone: the dial out attempt has failed because the modem failed to detect a dial tone. busy: the call attempt failed because the modem detected a busy signal. modemWatchdogTimeout: the modem internal watchdog timer has expired. dtrDrop: DTR has been turned off while the modem is to disconnect on DTR drop. userHangup: normal disconnect where the user hangs up call. compressionProblem: the call is disconnected due to a problem detected during compression in the modem. retrainFailure: the modem did not successfully train and reach data mode on the previous connections. remoteLinkDisconnect: the remote link disconnected the connection. abort: the call was aborted. inactivityTimeout: the modem automatically hangs up because data is not sent or received within the inactivity time out. dialStringError: the dialed phone number is invalid. linkFailure: the modem detects a link failure. modulationError: the modem detects a modulation error. dialTimeout: the modem times out while attempting to dial. remoteHangup: the remote side hangs up the connection. mnp10ProtocolError: MNP10 Protocol Error. lapmProtocolError: LAPM Protocol Error. faxClass2Error: Fax Class 2 Error. trainupFailure: failure to trainup with a remote peer. fallbackTerminate: User has EC fallback set to disconnect. excessiveEC: Link loss due to excessive EC retransmissions. EC packet transmit limit exceeded. hostDrop: Host initiated link drop. terminate: Lost Carrier Microcom HDMS product relating to password security issues. autoLogonError: An autologon sequence did not complete successfully. ccpNotSeen: The Credit Card Prompt was not detected. callbackFailed: Applies to leased line connection. If after a switched line dialback due to a leased line connection failure, the switched line connection also fails and a connection can still not be made on the leased line, a disconnect occurs with this reason set. blacklist: In coutries that support blacklisting, an attempt was made to go off hook with a null dial string (ATD). lapmTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply from remote. reliableLinkTxTimeout: Have not received the link acknowledgement in the first 30 seconds of the connection. dspAccessFailure: Timed out trying to access the DSP chip. cdOffTimeout: Timed out waiting for carrier to return after a retrain or rate renegotiation. codewordSizeMismatch: The codeword size are mismatched. dspDownloadFailure: Error during the DSP code download. The time taken to recover and repeat the download would take too long to complete the handshake.


Access Type
readonly unknown(1), lostCarrier(2), noCarrier(3), noDialTone(4), busy(5), modemWatchdogTimeout(6), dtrDrop(7), userHangup(8), compressionProblem(9), retrainFailure(10), remoteLinkDisconnect(11), abort(12), inactivityTimeout(13), dialStringError(14), linkFailure(15), modulationError(16), dialTimeout(17), remoteHangup(18), mnp10ProtocolError(19), lapmProtocolError(20), faxClass2Error(21), trainupFailure(22), fallbackTerminate(23), excessiveEC(24), hostDrop(25), terminate(26), autoLogonError(27), ccpNotSeen(28), callbackFailed(29), blacklist(30), lapmTimeout(31), reliableLinkTxTimeout(32), dspAccessFailure(33), cdOffTimeout(34), codewordSizeMismatch(35), dspDownloadFailure(36), modemDrNone(37), modemDrSoftwareReset(38), modemDrEcTerminated(39), modemDrBadMnp5Rxdata(40), modemDrBadV42bisRxdata(41), modemDrBadCopState(42), modemDrAth(43), modemDrAborted(44), modemDrConnectTimeout(45), modemDrResetDsp(46), modemDrNoCarrier(47), modemDrNoAbtDetected(48), modemDrTrainupFailure(49), modemDrRetrainLimit(50), modemDrAbtEndFailure(51), modemDrNoLr(52), modemDrLrParam1(53), modemDrLrIncompat(54), modemDrRetransmitLimit(55), modemDrInactivity(56), modemDrProtocolError(57), modemDrFallbackTerminate(58), modemDrNoXid(59), modemDrXidIncompat(60), modemDrDisc(61), modemDrDm(62), modemDrBadNr(63), modemDrSabmeOnline(64), modemDrXidOnline(65), modemDrLrOnline(66), modemDrBadCmnd(67), modemDrFrmrBadCmnd(68), modemDrFrmrData(69), modemDrFrmrLength(70), modemDrFrmrBadNr(71), modemDrLdNoLr(72), modemDrLdLrParam1(73), modemDrLdLrIncompat(74), modemDrLdRetransLimit(75), modemDrLdInactivity(76), modemDrLdProtocol(77), modemDrLdUser(78), modemDrHostNonspecific(79), modemDrHostBusy(80), modemDrHostNoAnswer(81), modemDrHostDtr(82), modemDrHostAth(83), modemDrHostNoDialtone(84), modemDrHostNoCarrier(85), modemDrHostAck(86), modemDrMohClrd(87), modemDrMohTimeout(88), modemDrCotAck(89), modemDrCotNak1(90), modemDrCotNak2(91), modemDrCotOff(92), modemDrCotTimeout(93), modemDrDcIllegalCodewordStepup(94), modemDrDcIllegalTokenEmptyNode(95), modemDrDcIllegalTokenTooLarge(96), modemDrDcReservedCommand(97), modemDrDcIllegalCharacterSizeStepup(98), modemDrDcRxDictionaryFull(99), modemDrDcRxHistoryFull(100), modemDrDcRxStringSizeExceeded(101), modemDrDcNegotiationError(102), modemDrDcCompressionError(103)

Parent cmLineStatusEntry