
Indicates the status of the last system information logging process into the server. - none(1): initial state. No process has been started. - noLogFile(2): there is no log file has been configured. - noCommand(3): there is no command has been configured. - linkBlock(4): another process might have taken the rcp or tftp connection at the time the interval is due. - authError(5): authentication failed. - addrError(6): an error occurs due to the destination address is not reachable. - copying(7) : logging process to destination server is in progress. - writeError(8): an error occurs while copying logging information to the server. - success(9): logging process completed successfully. - ftpError(10): an error occurs during ftp operation.


Access Type
readonly none(1), noLogFile(2), noCommand(3), linkBlock(4), authError(5), addrError(6), copying(7), writeError(8), success(9), ftpError(10)

Parent csilServerEntry