This object determines the sequence in which information
will be gathered by the incoming register.
Only a set of predefined characters can be used in the
octet string notation of the sequence. The special
character and the alphabet strings allowed are listed below:
'/' - Separator between different elements of information
that should be collected.
- Indicates how many digits of the following
information element should be collected before
switching to collecting the next information element.
Number always precedes one of the information elements
such as D or A. If no number is specified, all of the
digits for that information element are collected
before fetching digits for next info element.
di - DNIS/Destination number/dialed number/called number.
si - ANIS/Source number/calling number.
sc - Subscriber Category.
cc - Country Code.
es - Echo Suppression Information.
noc - Nature of Circuit.
disc - Discriminator Digit.
The default value is country specific.