
This object indicates the Service Category derived from the Traffic Descriptor. If the object atmTrafficExplicitServCategory has a defined value, then this object mirrors that value. If Explicit Service Category has the value notDef, then this object reflects the Service Category derived from the Traffic Descriptor Type as follows: Traffic Descriptor Service Type Category ----------------------------------------- atmNoTrafficDescriptor ubr atmNoClpMcr abr atmNoClpMcrCdvt abr atmNoClpNoScr --| atmClpNoTaggingNoScr |-- cbr atmClpTaggingNoScr | atmNoClpNoScrCdvt --| atmNoClpScr --| atmClpNoTaggingScr |-- vbr-rt atmClpScrMbsCdvt | atmNoClpScrMbsCdvt | atmClpTaggingScr --| -----------------------------------------


Access Type
readonly cbr(1), vbrRt(2), vbrNrt(3), abr(4), ubr(5)

Parent atmTrafficDescrParamExtEntry