
This is the value that is displayed on the PWA login success page as the redirect time. If a user, using PWA enhanced mode, enters a URL of '' prior to being presented with the PWA login page and then successfully authenticates into the network they would be presented with a login success page that displays 'Welcome to the Network. Completing network connections. You will be redirected to in approximately 30 seconds'. An end-station that is utilizing the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) as a means of obtaining an IP address will take some time to transition from the temporary IP address issued by PWA, as part of the authentication process, to the official IP address issued by the network. etsysPwaSystemEnhancedModeRefreshTime provides a configurable time period for the end-stations on a given switch to complete the process of obtaining their official IP addresses and to begin using them. The default value of 30 seconds has been shown to be adequate in most environments. In some networks this time period may need to be longer, and in other networks it could be shorter. In networks that only use static IP addresses a time period on the order of 5 to 10 seconds may be sufficient. A period of less than 5 seconds is not recommended as there is a slight delay after a successful login before the switch transitions the port to forwarding.


Access Type

Parent etsysPwaSystem