
*** THIS TABLE CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED *** This attribute indicates the delay metrics of up to two paths to the server supported on a Call Server Resource Module (CSRM). The delay metric associated with a path is computed by the routing system based on the sum of the delays associated with the links in the path to the CSRM supporting the server. It is computed for every possible path to the server and is used by the DpnAddressPlan component for path comparison purposes. A path with a lower metric value is preferable to one with a higher value as it is associated with lower delay facilities. The metrics displayed are those of the paths being used to reach the destination. Metric values of 2147483647 for both paths means the server is unreachable in the delay class of service. A metric value of 2147483647 for the second path only means that there is only one viable delay path to the destination. A value of 0 indicates that no cost is associated with the path to the destination.


Access Type

Parent mscRtgDpnCs

Childs (1 objects)