
*** THIS TABLE CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED *** This attribute indicates the delay link group, or groups, that are being used to reach a neighbor which is the next hop in the path to the destination MID. DPN traffic will be spread across the links, in up to two link groups, when available. The link groups selected are those associated with the two loop-free paths with the lowest delay metrics to the destination. The link group can be that of either a Passport node interconnection or a gateway to an AM. If no link groups are listed then the destination is not reachable in the delay class of service (except in the case of the local node's MID, or when a substitute RID path is available). Link group instances are managed by the TransportResource component. Further information about the links in the group can be obtained from it.


Access Type

Parent mscRtgDpnMid

Childs (1 objects)