
This attribute indicates the current state of the MSC/IWF Interface Protocol (MIP) for an IWF element. Valid values are: idle, Startup state of IWF element. pendingSetup, Pending initial state of IWF element. setup, Initial state of IWF element. pendingActivation, Synchronization has been requested, but the IWF element is not yet in the Synchronization state. activated, Synchronization state. holdDisconnect, Flush buffer state, during call clearing the MSC is responsible for holding the network connection towards the disconnected party while the IWF completes the data transmission (flushing any buffered data towards the disconnected party; any buffered data towards the disconnecting party is discarded.) currentlySuspended, The call is temporarily switched to speech phase during a dual services call.


Access Type
readonly idle(0), pendingSetup(1), setup(2), pendingActivation(3), activated(4), holdDisconnect(5), suspended(6)

Parent mscGsmBcOperEntry