This attribute indicates the traffic parameter conversion policy used
to specify the equivalent ATM bandwidth rate at this end point.
Policy 3 characterizes the traffic in the following way:
- ATM traffic descriptor type 6 is selected
- PCR0+1 is based on the AR
- SCR0+1 is based on the CIR and EIR
- MBS0+1 is based on Bc,Be,CIR,EIR and AR
- Takes into account that the instananeous rate of the frame relay
stream can burst above CIR and up tp the AR.
Policy 4 characterizes the traffic in the following way:
- ATM traffic descriptor type 7 or 8 is selected. Type 7 is chosen
when non-conforming cells are to be discarded and type 8 when
non-conforming cells are tagged by UPC traffic policer.
- PCR0+1 is based on the AR
- SCR0 is based on the CIR
- MBS0 is based on Bc,CIR and AR
- There is no direct characterization of EIR. The allowed EIR can be
derived using the difference between the AR and CIR.
Policy 5 characterizes the traffic in the following way:
- ATM traffic descriptor type 7 or 8 is selected . Type 7 is chosen
when non-conforming cells are to be discarded and type 8 when
non-conforming cells are tagged by UPC traffic policer
- PCR0+1 is based on CIR and EIR
- SCR0 is based on the CIR
- MBS0 is based on the Bc,CIR and AR
- The maximum PCR is no longer based on AR but based on the
CIR and EIR.
Policy 6 characterizes the traffic in the following way:
- ATM traffic descriptor type 3 is selected
- PCR0+1 is based only on CIR.