This attribute defines the speed of the line for source clocking. This
attribute is ignored if the interface is not providing a clock. The
clock rate is rounded up to the nearest available value. Note that the
actual clock rates are available in the operational attributes
actualTxLineSpeed and actualRxLineSpeed. The actual lineSpeeds
configurable on a V.35 DCE interface are: 3840000, 2560000,
2048000, 1920000, 1536000, 1344000, 1280000, 1024000, 960000,
768000, 672000, 640000, 512000, 448000, 384000, 336000,
320000, 256000, 224000, 192000, 168000, 128000, 112000, 64000,
56000, 48000, 32000, 19200, 9600. Note that linspeeds of 1024000
and 2048000 cannot be provisioned on cards that have ports
provisioned at 3840000, 2560000, 1920000, 1280000, 960000,
640000 or 320000.