
This attribute displays whether a Loss Of Frame (LOF) alarm state has been entered. An LOF alarm state is entered when LOF defects have been observed and accumulated for a period of 2.5 seconds +/- 0.5 seconds, except when an LOS defect or failure is present. An LOF defect is detected when getting contiguous errored frame alignment for at least 3 msec. If the LOF defects are intermittently occurring, the LOF defect accumulator is decremented at a rate of 1/10 of the incrementing rate (alarm integration ratio of 1/10), with all measurements based on a 200 ms polling cycle. The Sonet/Sdh component goes into an operational state of disabled until the LOF alarm condition is cleared. The condition is cleared when framing has been achieved for a period of 10 seconds +/- 0.5 seconds. The lofAlarm attribute is always set to off when the component has been locked and left offline.


Access Type
readonly on(0), off(1)

Parent mscLpSdhOperEntry