
This attribute indicates the state of the Hello protocol exchange over this link. The following are the possible values for this attribute: down: the link is down; no PNNI routing packets will be sent over or received over such a link. This is the initial state of the Hello Finite State Machine, and can also be reached when lower-level protocols have indicated that the link is not usable. attempt: no Hello packets or Hello packets, with mismatch information, have been received recently from the neighbor. Attempts are made to contact the neighbor node by sending out Hello packets every helloInterval seconds. oneWayInside: Hello packets have been recently received from the neighbor and it has been established that both nodes are members of the same peer group, but the remote node ID and remote port ID in the neighbor's Hello packets were set to zero. A Hello packet is sent to the neighbor and the Hello timer is restarted. twoWayInside: Bidirectional communication over this link between this node and the neighbor node has been achieved. oneWayOutside: Hello packets have been recently received from the neighbor and it has been established that both nodes are members of a different peer group, but the remote node ID and remote port ID in the neighbor's Hello packets were set to zero. twoWayOutside: Hellos have recently been received from the neighbor indicating that the neighbor node belongs to a different peer group. The correct remote node ID and remote port ID fields were included in the Hello packet, but the nodal hierarchy list did not include any common peer group. This state can also be reached if a hierarchy mismatch occurs while in the commonOutside state. commonOutside: A common level of the routing hierarchy has been found, in addition to achieving full bi-directional communication between the two nodes.


Access Type
readonly notApplicable(0), down(1), attempt(2), oneWayInside(3), twoWayInside(4), oneWayOutside(5), twoWayOutside(6), commonOutside(7)

Parent mscAtmIfPnniRccOperEntry