This attribute specifies whether link-side segment loopback
insertion should be performed on this connection.
When sameAsInterface is selected, the link-side segment loopback
insertion for the connection is based on the segLinkSideLoopback
attribute of the connection's parent AtmIf componentif the ATM
interface has link-side segment loopback insertion turned on, then
link-side segment loopback insertion is also on for the connection.
When on or off is selected, link-side segment loopback insertion is
turned on or off respectively for the connection regardless of the
provisioning of the parent AtmIf component.
Note that link-side segment loopback insertion is not possible if the
connectionPointType attribute of the Vcc or Vpc component is
connectingPoint. Link-side segment loopback insertion is also not
possible if the distributionType of the Vcc is pointToMultipoint. In
such cases, the associated segLinkSideLoopbackState attribute
indicates notApplicable and link-side segment loopback insertion is
not performed. Link-side segment loopback insertion is always
possible on a Vpt.