
This attribute specifies whether the CIR attributes committedInformationRate, committedBurst, and excessBurst are used to define rate enforcement on this user DLCI. If rateEnforcement is enabled, and the combined Committed and Excess burst thresholds are exceeded, the frame in violation will be discarded immediately if a HibernationQueue subcomponent is not provisioned under the StDlci component (static entries only). If a HibernationQueue is provisioned, the frame will be placed on the HibernationQueue at time of violation and transmission will be attempted later after the point at which the burst thresholds will no longer be exceeded. Setting all the CIR attributes to zero has the same affect as setting this attribute to disabled. Setting this attribute will operationally override the corresponding provisional value on static entries.


Access Type
readwrite enabled(1), disabled(2)

Parent mscFrDteDlciOperEntry