
This attribute indicates whether the LMI is in an error condition or whether the LMI procedures are behaving normally. When operating with no LMI protocol, this attribute is always set to normalCondition. When operating with LMI procedures, this attribute is set to errorCondition after n392 of the last n393 events are in error. The consequence of an errorCondition is that all DLCIs on this interface will become inactive in both directions. The errorCondition is lifted and a normalCondition is indicated when a sufficient number of events have occurred without error. In ANSI, this occurs when n393 consecutive good events take place. If the procedures attribute is set to autoConfigure, this attribute is se to configuring while adaptive LMI determines which LMI procedures are running on the link. A single LMI error event during auto configuration causes the attribute value to change to errorCondition. If during configuring no LMI message is received, an LMI errorCondition is raised after n392 x t392 seconds.


Access Type
readonly errorCondition(0), normalCondition(1), configuring(2)

Parent frNniLmiPsiEntry