
This attribute specifies the sequence of trunks used as the route for a path. If any trunk in the sequence does not meet the requirements (bandwidth, permittedTrunkType, security, customerParm, etc.) for a component listed in users, path validation fails and no path is instantiated for that user. Changing this attribute will cause active connections of users of this ManualPath to move to the new route only if the users have optimization enabled and Rtg Pors optimizationInterval > 0. Otherwise, changing this attribute will cause the users' current connections to stay on the old route with all new calls instantiating their paths with the new route. Optimization can be disabled by having the application use a Rtg Pors Prof/n component with optimization disabled or by setting Rtg Pors optimizationInterval 0. As an example, the trunk component name for the trunk instance 10 on node MoonBase is EM/MoonBase Trk/10. These strings are case insensitive but the complete component name must be input. Note 1: the trunk designation must be in the 3-letter form 'trk'. Note 2: only the outbound trunk component names are used to provision the route.


Access Type

Parent rtgPorsMpath

Childs (1 objects)