
This attribute indicates the MSC/IWF Interface Protocol (MIP) response code returned for the last call which was active on this particular GsmIwfBearerChannel. Valid values are: requestDone, the call was terminated normally. systemError, the call was terminated due to a base system problem. applicationError, the call was terminated due to an application level problem. noResources, the call was terminated due to a lack of available resources. msgSizeMismatch, Message length does not match length defined by the MSC/IWF Interface Protocol for the particular message type. protocolViolation, Failed to perform the request because the coding of the request message was invalid; message was not understood. requestNotSupported, Message was understood but not supported by the IWF or MSC. requestDenied, Message was understood and supported by the IWF or MSC but the request is denied. invalidMessage, Message received is invalid for the current state of the IWF's state machine or the MSC data call state machine. The message is ignored. bufferNotFlushed, Message from the Iwf to the MSC indicating that the buffers are not flushed as requested by the MSC. notApplicable, this attribute is not applicable for this call. This is the default value for this attribute.


Access Type
readonly requestDone(0), systemError(1), applicationError(2), noResources(3), msgSizeMismatch(4), protocolViolation(5), requestNotSupported(6), requestDenied(7), invalidMessage(8), bufferNotFlushed(9), notApplicable(99)

Parent gsmBcOperEntry