
This attribute displays whether the Trail Trace Mismatch (TTM) alarm state has been entered. The TTM alarm state is entered when TTM defects have been observed and accumulated for a period of 2.5 seconds +/- 0.5 seconds. The TTM defect is reported when the trail access point identifier contained in the Trail Trace (TR) field in the received frame fails to agree with the expected identifier. If the TTM defects are intermittently occurring, the TTM defect accumulator is decremented at a rate of 1/10 of the incrementing rate (alarm integration ratio of 1/10), with all measurements based on a 200 ms polling cycle. The TTM alarm is cleared when the trail access point identifier in the received frame agrees with the expected identifier for a period of 10 seconds +/- 0.5 seconds. The trailTraceMismatch attribute is always set to off when the E3 component has been locked and left offline. Both the expected trail access identifier and the transmitted trail access identifier are provisionable attributes of the G832 component.


Access Type
readonly on(0), off(1)

Parent lpE3G832OperationalEntry