
This attribute is only used when the actualLinkMode is dce. It is used to determine the clock to be used to recover the receive data. Note that a V.11 DTE interface uses the S clock (see X.21 standard) for both receive data and transmit data timing. The DTE interface always loops the received S clock back to the DCE as the X clock (see X.21 standard). If the value of the attribute is fromDce, the DCE V.11 interface uses the internally generated transmit clock as the S clock and for both receive and transmit data timing. The X clock is ignored. If the value of the attribute is fromDte, the DCE still uses the internally generated transmit clock as the S clock and for transmit data timing, but the receive data timing is derived from the X clock. The fromDte mode is recommended when the DTE is far away from the DCE interface.


Access Type
readwrite fromDce(0), fromDte(2)

Parent lpX21ProvEntry