This attribute specifies whether this connection enforces usage
parameter control when receiving traffic from the ATM interface.
When sameAsCa is selected, UPC for the connection is based on
the usageParameterControl attribute of the service category
component under the AtmIf CA. If the service category has UPC
enforced or monitored, then UPC is set to that value for the
When disabled is selected, UPC for this connection is disabled
regardless of the provisioning of the service category.
When enforced is selected, UPC for this connection is enforced
regardless of the provisioning of the service category.
ATM IP cards provide the ability to monitor UPC violations without
tagging or discarding. When monitored is selected, UPC is actively
checking conformance for the connection and counting the
violations, but is not discarding or tagging cells which do not
conform to the connection traffic contract.
If this is a connection of serviceCategory abr on an ATM IP card,
and the abrConnectionType is sourceDest, virtualSourceDest or
explicitRate, selecting enforced enables dynamic generic cell rate
algorithm (DGCRA) to discard violating cells. Selecting monitored
enables DGCRA to count violating cells.
Note that setting UPC to enforced or monitored may have no effect
under certain cases. These cases are listed in the description of the
usageParameterControl operational attribute, which is under the
Vcc, Vpc, and Vpt components.