
This attribute specifies the minimum bandwidth guarantee associated with this EmissionPriority. A minimum bandwidth guarantee is designed to prevent starvation of traffic at this EP by traffic at higher EPs. Minimum bandwidth guarantees only operate for EPs within the guaranteed bandwidth range 2 through 7. The minimum bandwidth guarantee specified is a percentage of the bandwidth which remains after all traffic at EP 0 and EP 1 is served. For example, if EP 0 and EP 1 traffic consumes 20% of link bandwidth, the minimum bandwidth guarantee applies to the remaining 80% of the link bandwidth. A minimum bandwidth guarantee of 2% would actually result in this EP getting 2% of 80% (total 1.6%) of the link bandwidth. The sum of minimumBandwidthGuarantee values for all Eps under an AtmIf must not exceed 100%. The value priority specifies that this Ep gets the bandwidth guarantee which is applicable based on the hierarchy of emission priorities. In this case, there is no minimum bandwidth guarantee. A value between 1 and 49 specifies that from 1% to 49% of the remaining link bandwidth is reserved for traffic at this EP. Given a value n of minimumBandwidthGuarantee, then for n% of transmit cell opportunities in the guaranteed bandwidth range, this EP get first opportunity to send a cell. If this EP uses less than n% of the link bandwidth, the extra opportunities are allocated in priority. Due to scheduling and cell arrival times, traffic at this EP may not necessarily achieve full utilization of its minimum bandwidth guarantee. When specifying a value for minimumBandwidthGuarantee, consider the effect on cell delay variation (CDV) of traffic which would normally be of higher priority. For example, if RtVbr service category traffic is assigned to Ep/2 and Ubr traffic is assigned on Ep/7 where Ep/7 has a minimumBandwidthGuarantee of 25%, there can be a large impact on CDV of the RtVbr traffic. Traffic of the Cbr or RtVbr service category which is sensitive to CDV and is of known volume, can be assigned on EP 0 or EP 1 which are independent of the effects of minimum bandwidth guarantee. VALUES ( 0 = priority )


Access Type

Parent atmIfEpProvEntry