
The status of the StruxureWare Operations essential services: 1: Unknown status. Check Webmin and if the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 2: Essential services are not running on the StruxureWare DC Operation server. Reboot the node and monitor the status page in Webmin. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 3: Normal status 4: The time difference between the StruxureWare DC Operation slave and the master node is too big. Correct the time on the slave to match the time on the master. Consider using an NTP server. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 5: The last backup that was attempted on the StruxureWare DC Operation server has failed. Make certain that the system can write to the location specified as backup location. This is particularly relevant for network attached storage. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


Access Type
readonly unknown(1), stopped(2), running(3), time-sync-problems(4), backup-problems(5)

Parent struxureWareOperationsStatus