
The status of the StruxureWare Operations database: 1: The status of the database is unknown. Check Webmin and if the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 2: Restart the StruxureWare DC Operation server. If the server was part of a cluster, see the StruxureWare DC Operation User Assistance about rejoining the cluster. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 3: No problem. 4: High availability is lost. The database is detached from the cluster and does not receive updates. See the StruxureWare DC Operation User Assistance about reattaching the database node to the StruxureWare DC Operation cluster. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 5: The database is catching up with the cluster. Wait for the StruxureWare DC Operation database to retrieve all updates from the master node. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 6: The database is attaching to the cluster. Wait for the StruxureWare Operation database to attach to the cluster. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 7: The database is the master in a cluster. 8: The database is the primary slave in the cluster. All changes on master are synchronously replicated to this node. 9: The database is a secondary slave in the cluster. All changes on master are asynchronously replicated to this node. 10: The database does not replicate its changes to other nodes.


Access Type
readonly unknown(1), stopped(2), running(3), detached(4), catching-up(5), attaching(6), running-master(7), running-primary-slave(8), running-slave(9), running-alone(10)

Parent struxureWareOperationsStatus