During a reboot sequence, power is turned off and then
back on. This OID defines the amount of time to wait,
in seconds, after turning the power off, at the start
of the sequence, before turning power back on, at the
end of the reboot sequence.
Allowed values are:
5 wait 5 seconds between off/on.
10 wait 10 seconds between off/on.
15 wait 15 seconds between off/on.
20 wait 20 seconds between off/on.
30 wait 30 seconds between off/on.
45 wait 45 seconds between off/on.
60 wait 60 seconds (1 minute) between off/on.
If a value other than a supported value is provided in a
set request, the PDU interprets it as the next lower
acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than
the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable
value is used.
This OID is read-only for the MasterSwitch version 2.X and is the
maximum sPDUOutletRebootDuration OID of the individual outlets.