
Setting this OID to immediateAllOn (2) will turn all outlets on immediately. Setting this OID to immediateAllOff (3) will turn all outlets off immediately. Setting this OID to immediateAllReboot (4) will reboot all outlets immediately. Setting this OID to delayedAllOn (5) will turn all outlets on as defined by each outlet's rPDUOutletConfigPowerOnTime OID value. Setting this OID to delayedAllOff (6) will turn all outlets off as defined by each outlet's rPDUOutletConfigPowerOffTime OID value. Setting this OID to delayedAllReboot (7) will cause a delayedAllOff command to be performed. Once all outlets are off, the Switched Rack PDU will then delay the largest rPDUOutletConfigRebootDuration OID time, and then perform a delayedAllOn command. Setting this OID to cancelAllPendingCommands (8) will cause all pending commands on the Switched Rack PDU to be canceled. Getting this OID will return the noCommandAll (1) value.


Access Type
readwrite noCommandAll(1), immediateAllOn(2), immediateAllOff(3), immediateAllReboot(4), delayedAllOn(5), delayedAllOff(6), delayedAllReboot(7), cancelAllPendingCommands(8)

Parent rPDUOutletDevice