
The reason for the occurrence of the last transfer to UPS battery power. The variable is set to: - noTransfer(1) -- if there is no transfer yet. - highLineVoltage(2) -- if the transfer to battery is caused by an over voltage greater than the high transfer voltage. - brownout(3) -- if the duration of the outage is greater than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the rated output voltage and the low transfer voltage. - blackout(4) -- if the duration of the outage is greater than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the rated output voltage and ground. - smallMomentarySag(5) -- if the duration of the outage is less than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the rated output voltage and the low transfer voltage. - deepMomentarySag(6) -- if the duration of the outage is less than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the rated output voltage and ground. The variable is set to - smallMomentarySpike(7) -- if the line failure is caused by a rate of change of input voltage less than ten volts per cycle. - largeMomentarySpike(8) -- if the line failure is caused by a rate of change of input voltage greater than ten volts per cycle. - selfTest(9) -- if the UPS was commanded to do a self test. - rateOfVoltageChange(10) -- if the failure is due to the rate of change of the line voltage.


Access Type
readonly noTransfer(1), highLineVoltage(2), brownout(3), blackout(4), smallMomentarySag(5), deepMomentarySag(6), smallMomentarySpike(7), largeMomentarySpike(8), selfTest(9), rateOfVoltageChange(10)

Parent upsAdvInput