An ASCII string containing the 32 flags representing
the current active UPS faults. If the Network Card
is unable to determine the values of the flags, this
variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. If this variable is not
supported by the connected UPS, this variable is set to
The flags are numbered from 1 to 32, and read from left to
right. The flags are defined as follows:
Flag 1: Power Module Failure
Flag 2: Main Intelligence Module Failure
Flag 3: Redundant Intelligence Module Failure
Flag 4: Battery Failure
Flag 5: Load(kVA) Alarm Threshold Violation
Flag 6: Redundancy Lost
Flag 7: Redundancy Below Alarm Threshold
Flag 8: Bypass not in Range; Either Frequency or Voltage
Flag 9: Bypass Contactor Stuck in Bypass Condition
Flag 10: Bypass Contactor Stuck in On-Line Condition
Flag 11: In Bypass due to an Internal Fault
Flag 12: In Bypass due to an Overload
Flag 13: In Maintenance Bypass
Flag 14: Input Circuit Braker Tripped Open
Flag 15: System Level Fan Failure
Flag 16: Redundant Intelligent Module in Control
Flag 17: IIC Inter-Module Communication Failure
Flag 18: No Working Power Modules
Flag 19: Load Shutdown From Bypass; Input Frequency
Flag 20: Runtime Below Alarm Threshold
Flag 21: Extended Run Frame Fault
Flag 22: Output Voltage out of Range
Flag 23: UPS Not Synchronized
Flag 24: No Batteries Installed
Flag 25: Battery Voltage High
Flag 26: UPS Specific Fault Detected
Flag 27: Site Wiring Fault
Flag 28: Backfeed Protection Relay Opened
Flag 29: <Not Used>
Flag 30: <Not Used>
Flag 31: <Not Used>
Flag 32: <Not Used>