
A reboot command uses the Initiator's Return battery Capacity (RBC) to control when the SCG completes this operation. In a Normal Control Operation (NCC) the UPS will only complete the reboot if RBC is reached. Due to normal battery charge rate variations it may be desirable for the Followers to complete the reboot if they are within some range of the Initiator's RBC when the Initiator is prepared (charged to RBC) to complete the reboot. The Return Battery Capacity Offset (RBCO) defines a percent battery capacity subtracted from an RBC above which a Follower's battery must be charged for it to complete a reboot. For example, if the Initiator's RBC is 50% and the Initiator's RBCO is 5% then a Follower's battery capacity is within range if it is greater or equal to 45% (50% - 5%) at the time when the Initiator tries to complete the reboot command. The default RBCO is 10%.


Access Type

Parent upsSyncCtrlGroupConfig