The scheme mode of the domain. Setting hh3cDomainSchemeMode to none(1) indicates
the domain has none scheme. Setting hh3cDomainSchemeMode to local(2) indicates the
domain will use local-server as a scheme. Setting hh3cDomainSchemeMode to radius(3),
tacacs(4) or ldap(5) indicates the domain will use radius, tacacs or ldap scheme. If set
hh3cDomainSchemeMode to radius(3), tacacs(4) or ldap(5), hh3cDomainAuthSchemeName and
hh3cDomainAcctSchemeName must be set to valid values. And if hh3cDomainSchemeMode is
set to none(1) or local(2), the value of hh3cDomainAuthSchemeName and hh3cDomainAcctSchemeName
will be ignored.