
The value of the remote peer identity for the associated IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel (IKETunRemoteValue1 in the IKETunnelTable). If the remote peer type is ipv4Addr/ipv6Addr, this is the IP address used to identify the remote peer. If the remote peer type is ipv4AddrSubnet/ipv6AddrSubnet, this is the subnet address. If the remote peer type is ipv4AddrRange/ipv6AddrRange, this is the beginning IP address of the range. If the remote peer type is fqdn/userFqdn, this is the host name used to identify the remote peer. If the remote peer type is derAsn1Dn, this is the binary DER encoding of an ASN.1 X.500 Distinguished Name [X.501] of the principal whose certificates are being exchanged to establish the SA. If the remote peer type is derAsn1Gn, this is the binary DER encoding of an ASN.1 X.500 GeneralName [X.509] of the principal whose certificates are being exchanged to establish the SA. If the remote peer type is keyId, this is an opaque byte stream which may be used to pass vendor-specific information necessary to identify which pre-shared key should be used to authenticate Aggressive mode negotiations.


Access Type

Parent hh3cIPsecTunnelV2Entry