
A directory attribute index, used to uniquely identify this integer-valued directory attribute (and also any matching string-valued directory attribute in 'xcmCommsDirStringTable'), when combined with 'xcmCommsDirAttributeType' (above). Usage: This directory attribute index SHALL be unique for each attribute subordinate to one directory record (ie, rows with EXACTLY the SAME values of 'xcmCommsDirRecordType' and 'xcmCommsDirRecordIndex'). EXCEPT when two or more different directory attributes are 'parallel'; then they SHALL have EXACTLY the SAME value of 'xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex'. Example: The following example illustrates the use of 'parallel' directory attributes in a 'speed dial' entry. (Index values are shown in square brackets, for clarity.) -- Speed Dial record (specifying sort key of user full name) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] xcmCommsDirRecordRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirRecordKeyType = userFullName (sort key) xcmCommsDirRecordKeyInteger = 0 (unused) xcmCommsDirRecordKeyString = 'Fred Flintstone' (sort key) -- String-valued attribute (user location) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] [xcmCommsDirAttributeType = userLocation] [xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex = 1] xcmCommsDirAttributeRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirAttributeValue = 0 (unused) xcmCommsDirStringRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirStringValue = 'Bldg 705, H-18' -- String-valued attribute (primary FAX address) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] [xcmCommsDirAttributeType = protocolTypedAddress] [xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex = 2] xcmCommsDirAttributeRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirAttributeValue = osiwanFax (FAX protocol type) xcmCommsDirStringRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirStringValue = '0+...' (FAX phone number) -- Integer-valued attribute (primary FAX highest priority) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] [xcmCommsDirAttributeType = protocolPriority] [xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex = 2] (parallel attribute) xcmCommsDirAttributeRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirAttributeValue = 100 (highest priority) -- Integer-valued attribute (primary FAX max retries) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] [xcmCommsDirAttributeType = protocolMaxRetries] [xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex = 2] (parallel attribute) xcmCommsDirAttributeRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirAttributeValue = 3 (FAX max retries) -- Integer-valued attribute (primary FAX retry interval) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] [xcmCommsDirAttributeType = protocolRetryInterval] [xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex = 2] (parallel attribute) xcmCommsDirAttributeRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirAttributeValue = 10 (FAX retry interval) -- String-valued attribute (secondary FAX address) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] [xcmCommsDirAttributeType = protocolTypedAddress] [xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex = 3] xcmCommsDirAttributeRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirAttributeValue = osiwanFax (FAX protocol type) xcmCommsDirStringRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirStringValue = '0+...' (FAX phone number) -- Integer-valued attribute (secondary FAX medium priority) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] [xcmCommsDirAttributeType = protocolPriority] [xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex = 3] (parallel attribute) xcmCommsDirAttributeRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirAttributeValue = 50 (medium priority) -- String-valued attribute (tertiary Email address) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] [xcmCommsDirAttributeType = protocolTypedAddress] [xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex = 4] xcmCommsDirAttributeRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirAttributeValue = internetSMTP (Email protocol) xcmCommsDirStringRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirStringValue = 'fflint@...' (Email address) -- Integer-valued attribute (tertiary Email lowest priority) [xcmCommsDirRecordType = recordSpeedDial] [xcmCommsDirRecordIndex = 1] [xcmCommsDirAttributeType = protocolPriority] [xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex = 4] (parallel attribute) xcmCommsDirAttributeRowStatus = active xcmCommsDirAttributeValue = 1 (lowest priority) Discussion: This example shows a 'speed dial' directory record with a primary sort key (e.g., for local UI display ordering) of the destination user's full name ('userFullName'). Also shown are four sets of 'parallel' directory attributes: a) user location; b) primary FAX destination (highest priority); c) secondary FAX destination (medium priority); d) tertiary Email destination (lowest priority). Usage: Each 'parallel' directory attribute in a given set is correlated by the SAME value of 'xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex'.


Access Type

Parent xcmCommsDirAttributeEntry