An unambiguous address user role,
used by system administrators and end users to identify
the user role of this address.
Usage: This unambiguous address user role is specified by a
value defined in the textual convention 'XcmSecUserRole' in the
XCMI Security/AAA TC.
Usage: This unambiguous address user role is weakly typed here
to avoid cyclic compilation dependencies between XCMI MIBs.
Usage: A chain of 'xcmCommsAddressEntry' objects MAY be pointed
to by 'xcmDevHelpCommsAddressIndex' in the Device Help group of
the XCMI Ext to IETF Host Resources MIB. In this case, the
'xcmCommsAddressTypeOID' object MAY contain values such as
'xcmCOOsiwanPSTNAddress' (analog phone number),
'xcmCOOsiwanFaxAddress' (fax phone number), etc,
taken from the XCMI Comms Config TC.
In this case, the 'xcmCommsAddressUserRole' object MAY be used
to specify the role of the system admin, system operator, etc
(whose name is specified by 'xcmCommsAddressName',
address format is specified by 'xcmCommsAddressTypeOID',
and actual address is specified by 'xcmCommsAddressCanonical').