Specifies the calendar date and time of day after which the
server is to process the job on the specified device. The
server shall hold the job in the held state until the specified
date and time.
NOTE: In this MIB, this object applies to any type of job, not
just print jobs and so this object is a generalization of the
ISO DPA attribute which is only for print jobs.
ISO DPA: Job-print-after
This attribute specifies the calendar date and time of day
after which the print-job shall become a candidate to be
scheduled for printing [processing].
If the value of this attribute is in the future, the server
shall set the value of the job's current-job-state to held and
add the job-print-after-specified value to the job's job-state-
reasons attribute and shall not schedule the print-job for
printing until the specified date and time has passed. When
the specified date and time arrives, the server shall remove
the job-print-after-specified value from the job's job-state-
reason attribute and, if no other reasons remain, shall change
the job's current-job-state to pending so that the job becomes
a candidate for being scheduled on printer(s).
[For purposes of this MIB, the agent shall return the DEFVAL
if the job did not specify this attribute and disregard the next
The server shall assign an empty value (see DPA 9.1.2) to the
job-print-after attribute when no print after time has been
assigned, so that the job shall be a candidate for scheduling