For the MIB: this object is specified as a text string which
can be a number, e.g., '2' meaning the number of logical pages
per side, or a name, e.g., 'simple-2-up' meaning an imposition
object in the system that specifies 2 logical pages per side.
NOTE: This attribute that is supplied by the job service
requester is localizable by the job service provider, since the
job service provider must understand and support the specified
ISO DPA: number-up (excerpted)
This attribute specifies the number of source page-images to
impose upon a single instance of a selected medium. The
attribute can be specified either by a number directly or by
naming an imposition object which specifies some particular
number-up imposition.
In general, only certain all-numeric text values are valid for
this attribute, depending upon the server and printer
implementations to which the print-request is directed. A
text value of '0' or 'none' shall suppress any server default
number up, if any.
This attribute primarily controls the translation, scaling and
rotation of page images, but a site may choose to add
embellishments, such as borders to each logical page. A site may
even choose to add an attribute to control the presence or
characteristics of such embellishments.
The following standard text values are defined:
'0' This value suppresses any number-up operation or its
'1' This value specifies that 1 logical page is to be imaged
on one surface of the medium, possibly with
'2' This value specifies that 2 logical pages are to be
imaged on one surface of the medium, possibly with
'4' This value specifies that 4 logical pages are to be
imaged on one surface of the medium, possibly with
NOTE - The value '0' or 'none' specifies that no convenience
imposition functions shall be performed; '0' or 'none' is needed
to suppress any special number-up operation because a value of
'1' or 'simple-1-up' for some sites may cause the server to
alter the placement, or size of the page image, or to add
embellishments, such as borders or to rotate the page depending
on content-orientation.
See ISO DPA number-up description for further details on the
semantics of number-up, including figures.