For scan-to-file jobs, the xcmDocFormatVariants object
specifies the document format variant desired as a result of the
ISO DPA: Document-format-variants
The document-format-variants and document-format-version
elements identify a specific instance of a document format. The
variant refers to a particular functional subset of a format.
For example, the format PostScript has variants of level 1 and
level 2, and the format PCL has several variants, including
PCL4 and PCL5.
The document-format-variants element consists of a single
text string. If it is necessary to identify more than one
variant, the respective variant values shall all be contained
in the document-format-variants element, separated from one
another by commas.
If the client omits the document-format-variants or document-
format-version elements, the server may supply a format-
specific default which will restrict the outcome of the rules
described in the next paragraph. This rule shall not cause a
job to fail in validation if it would have succeeded with the
rules of the next paragraph.
If the client omits the document-format-variants element, the
server shall print the document if the requested printer's
document-formats-supported attribute contains a DocFormat
which differs from the specified document-format only in the
value of its document-format-variants. If the
document-format-variants is omitted from the printer
document-formats-supported attribute, the printer shall accept
documents with any variant of the specified format. Similar
rules apply if the document-format-version element is omitted.
If the client omits the document-format-variants or document-
format-version elements, the server may supply a format-
specific default. Such a default shall be one that could have
matched a document-format according to the rules of the
preceding paragraph.
Proprietary values for the document-format, document-format-
variants, and document-format-version elements are assigned by
the owners of those formats. Annex F contains a set of
document-formats and variants for various commercially
available formats and variants that are currently in common