
Print appliance device type - manufacturer independent. An 'xcmHrDevicePrintAppliance' is a network printing appliance with 'xcmHrDevInfoRealization' of 'physical'. An 'xcmHrDevicePrintAppliance' SHALL statically and/or actively discover available network printers and SHOULD advertise them as supported output devices, using rows in 'hrDeviceTable' of IETF HR MIB (RFC 2790) and 'prtGeneralTable' of the Printer MIB (RFC 1759 or successor), with 'hrDeviceType' set to 'hrDevicePrinter'. An 'xcmHrDevicePrintAppliance' SHALL NOT use 'hrDeviceIndex' of '1' (first row) for an 'hrDevicePrinter' row, because a network printing appliance is an enhanced spooler and NOT a printer.


Access Type

Parent xcmHrDeviceTypes