A table of SNMP trap clients (management stations or proxies)
registered for trap delivery from this host system.
Usage: SNMP version/transport independent trap registration.
Usage: Conforming management stations SHALL create at
least one subordinate row in the 'xcmGenTrapViewTable' for each
trap client that they register in the 'xcmGenTrapClientTable'.
Conforming management agents SHOULD interpret a dangling row in
the 'xcmGenTrapClientTable' (no children) as 'NO traps in view'
(existing implementations of both clients and devices are known
to consider dangling rows invalid). To register for all device
traps, use a single view of 'iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1)'.
Usage: Conforming management agents SHALL delete any
rows in the 'xcmGenTrapViewTable' which were subordinate to a
deleted row in the 'xcmGenTrapClientTable'.