
This object, when read, always returns a value of other (1). When set to update (2), the updatefile specified by hmFSUpdFileName will be loaded. config-load (3) will load the configuration stored in the local flash. config-save (4) will write the present configuration to the flash. config-load-remote (5) will load the configuration stored in a file specified by hmFSConfigFileName (which may be in binary or script format). config-save-remote (6) will save the present configuration in a file specified by hmFSConfigFileName. log-save (7) will save the local logfile to a file specified with hmFSLogFileName. config-load-default (8) will restore the default settings and set-to-factory (9) will apply the factory settings to the system and save the configuration to flash. log-clear (10) will clear the logfile of the agent. gbl-update (12) will perform a software update of the whole chassis. config-load-backup (13) loads an automatically saved backup configuration config-remote-and-save (15) loads a configuration via tftp and saves it to the flash. toggleImage (20) switches between main and backup software image to be active (so it will be loaded after the next coldstart). config-save-remote-script (21) saves the current configuration in script format to the file specified by hmFSConfigFileName. Any other value results in a badValue status code.


Access Type
readwrite other(1), update(2), config-load(3), config-save(4), config-load-remote(5), config-save-remote(6), log-save(7), config-load-default(8), set-to-factory(9), log-clear(10), gbl-update(12), config-load-backup(13), config-remote-and-save(15), updateBootcode(16), toggleImage(20), config-save-remote-script(21)

Parent hmFSTable