The secondary status of the daughter board.
This BITS structure can report the following status:
1. sstAins(0) -this bit position positively reports that the status of the daughter board is automatic in-service
2. sstFaf(1) -facility failure
3. sstFlt(2) -fault
4. sstLpbk(3) -loopback
5. sstMea(4) -mismatch of equipment and attributes
6. sstSgeo(5) -supporting entity outage
7. sstStbyh(6) -standby-Hot
8. sstTs(7) -test
9. sstUas(8) -unassigned
10. sstUeq(9) -unequipped
11. sstWrk(10) -working
12. sstPwr(11) -power