
All the existent APs' index mask. Every bit is used to describe the AP is existent or not.0 means AP is not existent, and 1 means AP is existent.The value of this node is hexadecimal integer block.Each Byte describes 8 APs are existent or not. For example, the first Byte describes AP 0~7 is existent or not, and the second Byte describes AP 8~15 is existent or not. Such as, if only AP 0,4,5,6,7,9 is existent, the binary number is 11110001 and 00000010,the hexadecimal number is 0xF1 and 0x2, so the first Byte of this node is 0xF1,and the second Byte is 0x2.


Access Type

Parent hwApGlobalInfo