
Indicates the state of the connection to the ATMARP server. This field should be interpreted as follows (bit 31 is msb, bit 0 is lsb): bits 0-3 are bits for determining ATMARP initialization, client/server, and if the client has ARP requests to send to the server: 0x001 INIT 0x002 WERESERVER 0x--4 CLIENT 0x--8 HAVEARPTOSEND bits 4-7 represent the state of the VC to the server: 0x-0- CLOSED 0x-1- OPENING 0x-2- OPEN 0x-3- OPENFAILED bits 8-11 represent the state of registration to the server: 0x0-- NOTREGISTERED 0x1-- REGISTERING 0x2-- REGISTERED 0x3-- REGISTRATIONFAILED 0x4-- NOSERVER


Access Type
readonly init(1), wereserver(2), closednotreg(4), closednotregarp(12), openingnotreg(20), openingnotregarp(28), opennotregxxx(36), opennotregarpxxx(44), openfailnotreg(52), openfailnotregarp(60), closedregingxxx(260), closedregingarpxxx(268), openingregingxxx(276), openingregingarpxxx(284), openreging(292), openregingarp(300), openfailregingxxx(308), openfailregingarpxxx(316), closedreg(516), closedregarp(524), openingreg(532), openingregarp(540), openreg(548), openregarpxxx(556), openfailreg(564), openfailregarp(572), closedregfail(772), closedregfailarp(780), openingregfail(788), openingregfailarp(796), openregfailxxx(804), openregfailarpxxx(812), openfailregfail(820), openfailregfailarp(828), noservercfg(1028)

Parent wfIpIntfCfgEntry