
MIB objects for managing ERX Edge Router systems.

MIB content (107 objects)


Juniper Networks, Inc.
Contact info
Juniper Networks, Inc. Postal: 10 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886 USA Tel: +1 978 589 5800 Email: mib@UnisphereNetworks.com


2002-10-14 17:40
Added new line card types: X.21/V.35, Ut3f12, Ue3f12, Cocx-F3.
2002-04-12 20:57
Modified the following objects: usdERXSysTempFanStatus usdERXSysTempStatus Added the following objects: usdERXSysTempProtectionStatus usdERXSysTempProtectionHoldOffTime usdERXSysTempProtectionHoldOffTimeRemaining Added the following notification: usdERXSysTempProtectionStatusChange
2001-05-21 19:27
Added the following objects: usdERXSysMemUtilPct usdERXSysMemCapacity usdERXSysHighMemUtilThreshold usdERXSysAbatedMemUtilThreshold usdERXSysMemUtilTrapEnable Added the following notifications: usdERXSysHighMemUtil usdERXSysAbatedMemUtil
2001-05-15 18:27
Added support for system timing parameters. Added usdERXSysSlotDescr to usdERXSysSlotOperStatusChange trap.
2000-04-25 18:44
Added board serial number, assembly number and assembly revision.
2000-01-20 00:00
Added OC-12 card and Dual FE card support. Added redundancy/reversion and boot record configuration support.
1999-02-10 00:00
Initial version of this MIB module.