The IP Policy MIB for the Juniper Networks enterprise.

MIB content (13 objects)


Juniper Networks, Inc.
Contact info
Juniper Networks, Inc. Postal: 10 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886-3146 USA Tel: +1 978 589 5800 Email:


2007-01-25 08:34
Changed the length of octet string for juniIpAspAccessExpression to vary from 1 to 256.
2007-01-25 08:24
[Revision added by libsmi due to a LAST-UPDATED clause.]
2006-07-25 04:13
Changed the length of octet string for juniIpCommunityListExpression to vary from 1 to 256.
2006-01-10 14:21
Added two more protocols to JuniIpRedistributeProtocol.
2004-02-05 14:21
Added Policy-List under juniIpRouteMapClauseElemId.
2003-02-05 14:21
Added IP route maps config support.
2003-02-04 22:30
Replaced Unisphere names with Juniper names. Fixed the index for the juniIpDynRedistributeTable.
2002-01-03 15:06
Expanded MIB to include following tables: JuniIpAspAccessListTable JuniIpPrefixListTable JuniIpPrefixTreeTable JuniIpCommunityListTable JuniIpExtCommunityListTable JuniIpRedistributeTable JuniIpRouteMapTable Expanded MIB to include a new textual convention: JuniIpPolicyExtendedCommunity
2000-07-20 00:00
Added Named Access List support.
1998-11-19 00:00
Initial version of this MIB module.