Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Postal: ICANN 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 Tel: +1 310-301-5800 E-Mail: iana&
2020-04-02 00:00
Added reference to ifType definitions registry.
2020-01-10 00:00
Addition of IANAifType 299.
2019-12-03 00:00
Updated email address for IANA
2019-10-16 00:00
Addition of IANAifTypes 297-298.
2019-02-14 00:00
Registration of new tunnelType 18.
2019-02-08 00:00
Added missing commas for 295-296.
2019-01-31 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 295-296.
2018-07-04 00:00
Added missing commas for 291-293.
2018-06-28 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 293.
2018-06-28 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 294.
2018-06-22 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 292.
2018-06-21 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 291.
2017-03-30 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 290.
2017-01-19 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 289.
2016-11-23 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 283-288.
2016-06-16 00:00
Updated IANAtunnelType DESCRIPTION per RFC 7870
2016-06-09 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 282.
2016-06-08 00:00
Updated description for tunnelType 17.
2016-05-19 00:00
Updated description for tunnelType 16.
2016-05-03 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 281.
2016-04-29 00:00
Registration of new tunnelTypes 16 and 17.
2014-09-24 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 280.
2014-09-19 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 279.
2014-07-03 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 277-278.
2014-05-22 00:00
Updated contact info.
2012-05-17 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 272.
2012-01-11 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 266-271.
2011-12-18 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 263-265.
2011-10-26 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 262.
2011-09-07 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 260 and 261.
2011-07-22 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 259.
2011-06-03 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 258.
2010-09-21 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 256 and 257.
2010-07-21 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 255.
2010-02-11 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 254.
2010-02-08 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 252 and 253.
2009-05-06 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 251.
2009-02-06 00:00
Registration of new IANAtunnelType 15.
2008-10-09 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 250.
2008-08-12 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 249.
2008-07-22 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 247 and 248.
2008-06-24 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 246.
2008-05-29 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 245.
2007-09-13 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 243 and 244.
2007-05-29 00:00
Changed the description for IANAifType 228.
2007-03-08 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 242.
2007-01-23 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 239, 240, and 241.
2006-10-17 00:00
Deprecated/Obsoleted IANAifType 230. Registration of
IANAifType 238.
2006-09-25 00:00
Changed the description for IANA ifType
184 and added new IANA ifType 237.
2006-08-17 00:00
Changed the descriptions for IANAifTypes
20 and 21.
2006-08-11 00:00
Changed the descriptions for IANAifTypes
7, 11, 62, 69, and 117.
2006-07-25 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifType 236.
2006-06-14 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifType 235.
2006-03-31 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifType 234.
2006-03-30 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifType 233.
2005-12-22 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifTypes 231 and 232.
2005-10-10 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifType 230.
2005-09-09 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifType 229.
2005-05-27 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifType 228.
2005-03-03 00:00
Added the IANAtunnelType TC and deprecated
IANAifType sixToFour (215) per RFC4087.
2004-11-22 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifType 227 per RFC4631.
2004-06-17 00:00
Registration of new IANA ifType 226.
2004-05-12 00:00
Added description for IANAifType 6, and
changed the descriptions for IANAifTypes
180, 181, and 182.
2004-05-07 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 225.
2003-08-25 00:00
Deprecated IANAifTypes 7 and 11. Obsoleted
IANAifTypes 62, 69, and 117. ethernetCsmacd (6)
should be used instead of these values
2003-08-18 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2003-08-07 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
222 and 223.
2003-03-18 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2003-01-13 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2002-10-17 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2002-07-16 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
217 and 218.
2002-07-10 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
215 and 216.
2002-06-19 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2002-01-04 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
211, 212 and 213.
2001-12-20 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
209 and 210.
2001-11-15 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
207 and 208.
2001-11-06 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2001-11-02 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2001-10-16 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
199, 200, 201, 202, 203, and 204.
2001-09-19 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2001-05-11 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2001-01-12 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
195 and 196.
2000-12-19 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
193 and 194.
2000-12-07 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
191 and 192.
2000-12-04 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType
2000-10-17 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
188 and 189.
2000-10-02 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 187.
2000-09-01 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
184, 185, and 186.
2000-08-24 00:00
Registration of new IANAifType 183.
2000-08-23 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes
2000-08-22 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 170,
171, 172 and 173.
2000-04-25 00:00
Registration of new IANAifTypes 168 and 169.
2000-03-06 00:00
Fixed a missing semi-colon in the IMPORT.
Also cleaned up the REVISION log a bit.
It is not complete, but from now on it will
be maintained and kept up to date with each
change to this MIB module.
1999-10-08 14:30
Include new name assignments up to cnr(85).
This is the first version available via the WWW
1994-01-31 00:00
Initial version of this MIB as published in
RFC 1573.