Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:
2013-07-15 12:00
V1.34, changes in this revision:
- Add the enumerate of the leaf hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState.
2013-05-29 12:00
V1.33, changes in this revision:
- Add a leaf hwGponOntPriorityQueueMappingPolicySwitch in table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects.
- Add the table hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigTable.
2013-05-20 23:00
V1.32, changes in this revision:
- Rename hwXponOntPppoeSimuEthPortID to hwXponOntPppoeSimuPortID, and modify the description.
- Rename hwGponOntifEthType to hwGponOntifType, and add the enumerate of the leaf hwGponOntifType.
- Rename hwGponOntifEthPort to hwGponOntifPort, and modify the description.
- modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationTable.
- modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry.
- modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanIndex.
- modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanCfgTranslatedVlan.
- modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastStripSwitch.
- Add leaf hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoVdslPortNum in table hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable.
- Add a table of hwGponOntPortServiceCfgTable.
- modify the description of hwXponOntStatProbeConfigParameter to support VDSL port.
- Add a table of hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsTable.
- Add the enumerate of the leaf hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoDeviceType.
- Add the leaf node hwXponOntInfoUsedMutualAuth in table hwXponOntInfoTable.
2013-05-07 23:00
V1.31, changes in this revision:
- Add a table of hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoTable.
- Add a leaf hwGponDeviceTcontAutoCreateSwitch in table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects.
2013-04-17 09:00
V1.30, changes in this revision:
- Add the enumerate of the leaf hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo.
- rename hwXponPortControlTable to hwGponPortControlTable.
- rename hwXponPortControlDbaAssignMode to hwGponPortControlDbaAssignMode.
- Add leaf hwGponPortControlPonIdSwitch in table hwGponPortControlTable.
- Add leaf hwGponPortControlPonIdInputMode in table hwGponPortControlTable.
- Add leaf hwGponPortControlPonIdIdentifier in table hwGponPortControlTable.
- Add leaf hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoEthOamSupport in table hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable.
- Add a leaf hwGponDeviceOntObjectExtendFrameID in table hwXponOntInfoTable.
- Modify the name of leaf hwXponOntFtpServerProfileName to hwXponOntFtpServerProfileNameIndex in table hwXponOntFtpServerProfileTable.
- Add the enumerate of the leaf hwXponOntInfoInteroperabilityStandard.
- Add the table hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinTable.
- Add leaf hwXponOntInfoInteroperabilityStandard in table hwXponOntInfoTable.
- Add the enumerate of the leaf hwGponInteroperModeSwitch.
- Add the enumerate of the leaf hwGponOntInteroperabilityMode.
- Add a table of hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticTable.
- Add a leaf hwGponOntInteroperModeActiveMode in table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects.
- Add the enumerate of the leaf hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState.
2013-01-08 09:00
V1.29, changes in this revision:
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState.
- Add the table hwXponOntStatProbeConfigTable.
- Add the table hwXponOntProbeStatTable.
- Add leaf hwXponOntWanExtendInfoDetail in table hwXponOntWanInfoTable.
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterPara.
2012-12-04 09:00
V1.28, changes in this revision:
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestDownPowerUsage.
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestPulseWidth.
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestResult.
2012-10-18 16:00
V1.27, changes in this revision:
- Add leaf hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadErrorInfo in table hwXponOntInfoTable.
- Add table hwGponInteroperModeConfigTable to config ONT interoperability mode and multicust-auth mode.
2012-09-06 09:00
V1.26, changes in this revision:
- Add leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterOrder in table hwXponDeviceOtdrTestTable.
2012-09-04 09:00
V1.25, changes in this revision:
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntBatchQueryItemMask and hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo.
2012-07-28 09:00
V1.24, changes in this revision:
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestOpticalFibreLength.
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponOpticalModuleType, hwXponOpticalModuleOltOntType and hwXponOpticalModuleBandwidthType.
2012-07-20 00:00
V1.23, changes in this revision:
- Delete unnecessary en dashes.
2012-06-19 09:00
V1.22, changes in this revision:
- Add leaf hwGponOnuTcontPriorityQueuePriorityReverse in table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects.
- Add leaf hwXponDeviceAllowDifferentRangeSwitch in table hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects.
- Add table hwXponOpticsParameterRangeTable for xpon optical module info.
2012-04-13 09:00
V1.21, changes in this revision:
- Add the table of hwXponDeviceOtdrTestTable
and the trap of hwXponPortOtdrResultTrap for OTDR test.
- Modify the table name of hwXponPortStateTable from hwXponPortStateTable to hwXponPortInfoTable.
- Add the leaf nodes hwXponPortOtdrCapability in table hwXponPortInfoTable.
- Delete table hwXponDeviceOntFtpCfgServerTable, the table has never been used.
- Delete table hwXponDeviceOntFtpCfgTable, the table has never been used.
- Add table hwXponOntVoipConfigTable to config the ONT's voip service.
- Add table hwXponOntFtpServerProfileTable to config the FTP server profile.
- Modify the name of the leaf node hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgResult to hwGponDeviceOntVoipFtpCfgResult.
- Add the table hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTable.
2012-03-12 09:00
V1.20, changes in this revision:
- Modify MAX-ACCESS of leaf hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileName to not-accessible.
- Modify the string length of hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileUserName from 16 to 50.
- Modify the string length of hwXponOntTr069ServerProfilePassword from 16 to 25.
- Delete leaf hwXponOntVlanIdForTr069Server from table hwXponOntConfigTable.
- Delete leaf hwXponOntPriorityForTr069Server from table hwXponOntConfigTable.
- Delete leaf hwXponOntAdminStateForTr069Server from table hwXponOntConfigTable.
- Add leaf hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendIpAddress, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendMac,
hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendSn, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendLoid,
hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendPolicyName in table hwXponOntAlarmPolicyTable.
- Add table hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmTable to set the ONT alarm level.
- Modify the range of leaf hwXponOntIpConfigPppoeUserName and hwXponOntIpConfigPppoePassword.
2012-03-01 09:00
V1.19, changes in this revision:
- Add leaf hwXponOntUsedTr069ServerProfName in table hwXponOntConfigTable.
- Add leaf hwXponOntVlanIdForTr069Server in table hwXponOntConfigTable.
- Add leaf hwXponOntPriorityForTr069Server in table hwXponOntConfigTable.
- Add leaf hwXponOntAdminStateForTr069Server in table hwXponOntConfigTable.
- Add the table of hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileTable for gpon ont server management.
- Add leaf hwGponOntMutlicastAuthMode in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for the ONT multicust-auth mode.
- Add leaf hwXponOntControlGracefulReset in hwXponOntControlTable to reset the ONT gracefully.
- Add leaf hwXponOntControlGraceTime in hwXponOntControlTable to specify the maximum time to wait for the ONT to reset gracefully.
- Modify the chinese description of leaf hwXGponOltOpticsModuleXponTemperatureLevel into English.
- Add the table hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileTable to set the power shedding interval.
- Add the table hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryTable to query the power shedding status of the ONT.
- Add leaf hwXponOntPowerSheddingProfName in table hwXponOntConfigTable.
- Add leaf hwXponOntDeleteVasService in hwXponOntControlTable for omci/oam.
- Add the table of hwXponOntCapabilityInfoTable for omci/oam.
- Modify the table name of hwXponOntIpConfigTable to hwXponOntIpMaintainTable.
- Add the table of hwXponOntIpConfigTable for omci/oam.
- Add leaf hwXponPortMacChipState in hwXponPortStateTable.
- Add table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable for XGPON everbefore statistics.
- Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecCorrectedBytes in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecCorrectedCodeWords in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecUncorrectableCodeWords in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameTotalRecCodeWords in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecSeconds in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeRangingTimeCount in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeTransmittedGemFrames in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeXgemKeyErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeXgemHecErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfDataTable to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable.
- Modify the description of hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable.
- Modify HwGponOntPerfDataEntry to HwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry.
- Modify the description of HwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECCorrectByte to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecCorrectByte.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECCorrectCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecCorrectCodeWords.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECUncorrectCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECTotalCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecTotalCodeWords.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECSeconds to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecSeconds.
- Add leaf hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinRangingTimeCount in table hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinTransmittedGemFrames in table hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinXgemKeyErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinXgemHecErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECCorrectByte to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectByte.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECCorrectCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectCodeWords.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECUncorrectCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECTotalCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecTotalCodeWords.
- Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECSeconds to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecSeconds.
- Add leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinRangingTimeCount in table hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTransmittedGemFrames in table hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinXgemKeyErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable.
- Add leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinXgemHecErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable.
- Modify the description of the object hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState.
- Modify the description of the object hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo.
- Add a table hwXGponOltOpticsModuleInformationTable.
- Modify the description of leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectCodeWords.
- Modify the description of leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords and hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecTotalCodeWords.
- Add leaf hwXponDeviceAlarmClearOnShutdown in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for clear on shutdown switch.
- Add table hwGponCommonOntStatisticTable for the information about the priority queue alarm.
- Modify the name of every leaf in table hwXGponOltOpticsModuleInformationTable, modify XGPON to 10GPON.
- Add the table hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable to query the capability of the GPON ONT.
- Add leaf hwXponOntInfoNoOnLineReason in hwXponOntInfoTable.
- Modify the description option of hwXponPortSignalDetect.
- Change the name of hwXponOntActiveAlarmEntry to hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry
- Add leaf hwXponDeviceSuppressInitialAlarmState in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects to suppress xpon initial alarm.
- Add the enumerate of the leaf hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponSubType.
2011-09-01 09:00
V1.18, changes in this revision:
- Add leaf hwXponDeviceModifyBoundProfileSwitch in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for enable or disable modify bound profile control.
2011-07-25 09:00
V1.17, changes in this revision:
- Delete the node hwXponPortControlDbaCalculatePeriod from table hwXponPortControlTable.
2011-07-08 09:00
V1.16, changes in this revision:
- Add leaf hwXponDeviceAutofindConflictCheckSwitch in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for the ONT autofind conflict-check switch.
2011-06-25 09:00
V1.15, changes in this revision:
- Add leaf hwGponOntInteroperabilityMode in hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for interoperability mode.
- Add leaf hwGponDeviceOntDefaultLineProfName in hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for default profile.
- Add leaf hwGponDeviceOntDefaultSrvProfName in hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for default profile.
- Add the table HwGponOntIphostStatsTable to querying and clearing the information about the IPHOST port.
- Add the table of hwXponPortControlTable.
- Add the table of hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmTable.
- Add hwXponCommonOntCatvDefaultState to support the global settings for ONT CATV ports.
- Add leaf hwXponDeviceGroupPowerOffControlState in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for group power off report switch.
- Add the leaf hwXponOntLastDistance in table hwXponOntInfoTable.
- Move all TRAP objects from HUAWEI-XPON-COMMON-MIB.mib to HUAWEI-XPON-TRAP-MIB.mib.
2011-05-18 09:00
V1.14, changes in this revision:
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo.
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadState and hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState.
- Add the object of hwXponDeviceCommonProfileObjects.
- Add the table of hwXponOntAlarmPolicyTable.
- Add the table of hwXponOntConfigTable.
- Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntBatchInfoTable to query the reason why the ONT last went offline.
- Add table hwXponOntWanInfoTable to query the information about WAN ports.
- Add trap hwGponOntFECUncorrectCodeWordsAlarmTrap,hwGponOntFECUncorrectCodeWordsRecoverAlarmTrap,
hwGponOntFECCorrectCodeWordsAlarmTrap and hwGponOntFECCorrectCodeWordsRecoverAlarmTrap.
- Add two leaves hwXponCommonOntFECUncorrectCodeWordsThreshold and hwXponCommonOntFECCorrectCodeWordsThreshold in hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids
2011-02-28 09:00
V1.14, changes in this revision:
- Add the table of hwGponDevicePerfDataTable.
- Add the table of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationTable for the multicast vlan translation of GPON ONT ETH port.
- Add a leaf hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgResult in hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoTable.
- Add the table of hwXponDeviceOntFtpCfgServerTable.
- Add the table of hwXponDeviceOntFtpCfgTable.
- Add a leaf hwXponOntInfoSupportXmlVersion.
- Add the table of hwGponOntPerfDataTable.
- Add the table of hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable.
- Delete the table of hwGponDevicePerfDataTable.
- Add trap hwGponDeviceOntVersionTrap.
- Add trap hwGponProfOntVersionTrap.
- Add trap hwEponProfOntUpVersionTrap.
- Add a leaf hwXponRogueOntManualDetectState in hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids.
- Add a trap node hwXponCommonRogueOntManualDetectTrap for notifying the result of rogue ont manual detect.
2010-12-10 09:00
V1.13, changes in this revision:
- Add the hwXponOntSurvivalAlarmTrap and hwXponOntSurvivalRecoverAlarmTrap
to support the work mode of ONT.
- Modify the table of hwXponOntBatchInfoTable to optimize thebatch query.
- Modify the nodes in the table of hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoTable to support the priority of vlan.
- Modify the trap of hwXponCommonDeviceOntPppoeSimuTrap.
2010-11-25 09:00
V1.12, changes in this revision:
- Modify the description of the flowing leaves:
- Add a leaf hwGponOltChangePasswordIntervalTime in hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids for the trap hwXponConfigPmConfigTrap
- Modify the member of the trap hwXponConfigPmConfigTrap
- Add the table hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for setting or obtaining device common global information of XPON.
- Add leaf hwXponDeviceLosAlarmControlState in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for alarm los-control.
2010-11-03 09:00
V1.11, changes in this revision:
- Add the table of hwXponOntBatchInfoTable to query all of the ont information.
- Add the table of hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoTable
and the trap of hwXponCommonDeviceOntPppoeSimuTrap for PPPOE test.
- Modify the node of the hwXponCommonDeviceOntPingResult,
add the node of hwXponCommonDeviceReceivedErrorCode for the test of remote ping
- Add the table of the hwXponOntControlTable for ONT configration.
- Add the node of the hwXponOntInfoCfgFileCrc
- Add the node of the hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState and hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadState
for ONT load.
- Modify the description of the hwGponConfigOntPortNativeVlanTrap.
2010-09-28 09:00
V1.10, changes in this revision:
- Modify the description of the MIB file.
2010-08-25 09:00
V1.09, changes in this revision:
- Modify the value range of the leaf hwGponOntPortTDMCodeMode.
2010-08-11 09:00
V1.08, changes in this revision:
- Add leaf hwGponDeviceTcontAutoCombineSwitch in hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for T-CONT auto-combine.
2010-07-07 09:00
V1.07, changes in this revision:
Add the leaf nodes hwXponModeSwitchResult, hwXponConfigMode, hwGponOltMinBandwidth, hwGponOltNearestDistance,hwGponOltFarestDistance,
hwGponOntEthPortLoopback,hwGponOntE1PortLoopback,hwGponOntPortVlanDefault, hwGponOntPortVlanDefaultPriority in hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids
for standard traps.
Add the definition of the trap node: hwXponSwitchModeResultTrap,hwXponConfigModeTrap,hwXponConfigChangeSnmpProfileTrap,
hwGponConfigOltTypeBDparentCreateTrap,hwGponConfigOntPortNativeTrap,in hwXponCommonGeneralTraps for standard traps.
Modify the definition of the leaf node, include:hwXponCommonDeviceOntRemotePingTrap for trap optimization.
Modify the attribute value,include node:hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPSrvState,hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPAdminState,
2010-06-07 09:00
V1.06, changes in this revision:
Modify the definition difference between MIB file and tree.c
2010-04-29 09:00
V1.05, changes in this revision:
Add the table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for setting or obtaining device common global information of GPON.
Add the leaf nodes hwXponOntInfoMemoryOccupation,hwXponOntInfoCpuOccupation,hwXponOntInfoTemperature,hwXponOntInfoProductDescription
in table hwXponOntInfoTable for obtaining ONT information.
Add the leaf nodes hwXponDeviceOntControlPrimaryStatus ,hwXponDeviceOntControlSecondaryStatus
in table hwXponOntInfoTable for obtaining ONT status of the Board.
Add the table hwXponOntIpConfigTable to config the ONT.
Add the table hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids and hwXponCommonTraps for standard traps.
Add leaf nodes hwXponPortStateChangeTrap and hwXponOntCfgStateChangeTrap in hwXponCommonGeneralTraps for standard traps.
Add the table hwXponPortStateTable to query the port state information.
2010-04-07 09:00
V1.04, changes in this revision:
Add the table hwXponOntInfoTable to query the ont information.
2010-03-17 09:00
V1.03, changes in this revision:
Modify the attribute value,include node:hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPSrvState,hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPAdminState,
2010-03-10 09:00
V1.02, changes in this revision:
Add the leaf node hwXponOntTransmittingFileLength in table hwXponOntFileTransmitionTable for setting or obtaining
the length of the file to be transmit.