V1.22, Modify the nodes of hwWlanVapAuthType and hwWlanNaviVapAuthType.

MIB content (105 objects)


Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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2020-07-08 16:51
V1.21, Modify the nodes of hwVapCreateFailReason and hwVapMaxNum about description.
2020-06-16 10:38
V1.21, Modify the nodes of hwVapCreateFailReason and hwVapMaxNum about description.
2020-06-12 10:00
V1.20, Modify the nodes of hwVapIGMPSnoopingBandwidthExceedTrap, hwVapCreateFailTrapRestore and hwVapIGMPSnoopingUserExceedTrap about description.
2020-06-10 10:54
V1.19, Modify the nodes of hwVapNumExceedSpecTrap and hwVapCreateFailTrap about description.
2019-09-20 15:30
V1.17, Modify the nodes of hwWlanVapAuthType and hwWlanNaviVapAuthType.
2019-09-20 15:30
V1.18, Add the nodes of hwVapNumExceedCardSpecTrap and hwVapNumExceedCardSpecTrapRestore.
2019-01-08 11:35
V1.16, Add node hwVapCreateFailReason, hwVapCreateFailTrap and hwVapCreateFailTrapRestore.
2018-12-10 21:35
V1.15, Modify the nodes of hwWlanNaviVapState
2018-12-04 10:05
V1.14, Modify the nodes of hwWlanVapAuthType and hwWlanNaviVapAuthType.
2018-10-23 22:05
V1.13, Modify the nodes of hwWlanNaviVapACID and hwWlanNaviVapWlanId.
2018-09-06 10:30
V1.12, Add the tables hwWlanNaviAcVapInfoTable and hwWlanNaviVapCreateFailTable.
2018-09-01 15:30
V1.11, Modify node hwWlanVapAuthType.
2017-12-10 17:30
The MIB module defines the VAP operation.
2016-07-07 10:30
V1.10, Add the table of hwWlanVapIGMPSnoopingCacInfoTable, hwVapIGMPSnoopingBandwidthExceedTrap and hwVapIGMPSnoopingUserExceedTrap.
2016-02-16 20:30
V1.08, Add the table of hwWlanRfSsidStatisticTable.
2016-02-16 20:30
V1.09, Add the table of hwWlanMacRfSsidStatisticTable.
2015-12-18 20:30
V1.07, Add the node of hwWlanVapTrapInfo.
2015-11-05 20:30
V1.06, Add Value list in the hwWlanVapAuthType.
2015-08-26 15:30
V1.05, Add the node of hwWlanVapApId in the hwWlanVapInfoTable.
2015-05-13 15:30
V1.04, Add three mib nodes: hwWlanSsidPeriodRecvFrames, hwWlanSsidSendRate, hwWlanSsidRecvRate.
2015-05-11 15:10
V1.03, Add the description of mib nodes.
2015-04-13 15:10
V1.02, Modify the name of the node of hwWlanVapInfoEntry.
2015-02-02 14:52
V1.00, Inital version.