The mib is used for configuring time range. When configuring the ACL rule, if you need to specify the time for the ACL rule to take effect, you need to run this command to configure a time range before specifying the time. After that, you can specify the time for an ACL to take effect by referring the time range name when configuring the ACL rule.

MIB content (26 objects)


Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
Contact info
Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:


2011-03-22 00:00
V1.01, modified the description of hwTimerangePeriodicEndTimes. modified the description of hwTrngCreateTimerangeTable, hwTrngAbsoluteTable and hwTrngPeriodicTable . modified the errors of the MIB file. modified the description of leaves. modified the datatype definition and the format of the MIB script.
2003-04-11 00:00
V1.00, initial revision of this MIB module.